Click here to read Part 1: The Confession
So there I was, somewhere around the beginning of April, about 7 pounds down and swearing off all magical pills and powders…. Realizing that the body I wanted wouldn’t come from a product was extremely hard for me to grasp. I don’t really know how to explain it. It was like preparing for a long road trip – You pack, you wash your car, you get gas, your get the oil changed, you check your tire pressure, and then finally you’re on the road… And then your car breaks down. At the end of February, I got mentally ready for that trip. I came to terms with my weight, I accepted that I needed to change, I started reading articles and following fitness accounts and asking for tips… And then the vehicle I expected to aid in my weight loss completely fell apart. I was devastated. I was upset. I considered giving up. But then I thought about those first two weeks. I remember specifically thinking, “If putting poison in my body could give me that much energy, how much energy am I capable of creating on my own?” And from that point on, it was a challenge. I never wanted anyone to say, “You wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for that insert name of magical product here.” Because in my mind, that roughly translates to “You couldn’t have done this by yourself.” That’s why I kept my experience with Plexus a secret for so long. I have at least 2 friends who have used plexus and seen great results. Hell, my aunt has recently become a Plexus distributor. I’m not saying that my results from Plexus are typical, or that it won’t work for you. My only complaint with this company is that they refused to see that there could be bigger medical issues happening that their products can’t fix. They refused to expand their horizon to include the outside chance that maaaaaybe their product isn’t meant for everyone. With that being said, I truly believe that my issues with Plexus were due to my intestinal issues that I’ve been dealing with for 2 years. (Backstory: 2 years ago I was experiencing pain so severe that my family doctor sent me to the ER, convinced I had appendicitis. That’s how bad it got. I was told there after $7,000 worth of testing that it was in fact an intestinal infection caused by stress and that I could never participate in a cleanse no matter how mild.) About a month later, I got the idea in my head that I needed to add protein shakes after my workout. Unfortunately, the same intestinal issues reared their ugly head and I ended up throwing up my shakes most days. At first I thought I had just gone too hard at the gym, but I later realized that milk on my hot tummy wasn’t a good idea. I stopped using the protein post-workout and everything went back to normal. About another month later during a particularly busy time at work, I needed extra energy to power through my workouts. I tried a preworkout powder and I’m pretty sure mine had some cocaine in it because that stuff made me go and go and go like the energizer bunny. Like legitimately I would just jump up and down in the same spot because I couldn’t stand still. I could go on and on about the pros and cons of every product I’ve tried along this fitness journey. From protein post-workout to preworkout powder to meal replacement shakes to meal replacement bars to electrolyte replacement pills. I’ve tried pretty much everything. So far everything I’ve tried has just left me disappointed or with a hole in my wallet. Only one company has consistently provided me with quality products that work. That company is AdovCare. Over the past few months, I have been fortunate to purchase many of the AdvoCare products and seamlessly work them into my everyday routine. Each time I tried something new, I was overwhelmed with the performance of the product. I have never been disappointed with an AdvoCare product. I’m incredibly happy to announce that as of today, I am an AdvoCare distributor. I will never try to sell you any products you don’t want; instead, I will be sharing my success with certain AdvoCare products over Facebook and Instagram (as I have done consistently throughout my weight loss journey). If you are interested in one of the products I feature or are looking to change your body, I am always open to discuss any questions and recommend which products I think will work for you. I will ultimately make a small percentage of what is sold through my website, but I will never make enough to lie to my friends and family. I will never promote something that hasn’t worked for me. Athletes, whether they are looking to slim down or bulk up, use products to reach their goals. I use products every day, and as you know, I’ve always been passionate about helping my followers reach their goals. It’s a natural next step for me to share my secret weapon with you guys. AdvoCare products have truly shaped my weight loss journey. I don’t know that I would have had as much success with my weight loss if I hadn’t began using their products. If you’re interested in how AdvoCare has helped shape my body and my life, send me an email or leave a comment below. I’ll be looking forward to it.
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I already know what happens when I give up. I want to see what will happen if I don't. Archives
October 2016